Trinec Lavicky: 20 Benches in Trinec Engraved with Inscriptions

Wednesday, September 9, 2015
As I explore the town of Trinec in the Czech Republic, I noticed that there are benches engraved with inscriptions that I found so very interesting. "So what these benches are trying to say?" I asked myself. I then asked my husband what every "napisu" or inscriptions means until I found myself wanting to put together the story behind each numbered bench or "lavicka." My mother in law even helped us complete taking photos of all twenty benches in Trinec. She provided us a map showing where we can find these numbered benches that tell about the journey of a man who has spent most of his life in Trinec.

Based on my research, the 20 benches are intended not just for sitting but also to encourage passers-by to think or play. It is a project of Trinec Municipal Library.

c.1 zde jsem se narodil (I was born here or Here I was born) 

c,2 a zde jsem udelal prvni krok (and here I took the first step or here I made the first move)

c,3 a zde jsem rekl prvni slovo (and here I said the first word)

c.4 a zde jsem poprve upadl a vstal (here I first fell down and stand up)

c.5 a zde jsem se snažil chytit vítr (and here I was trying/I tried to catch the wind)

c.6 a zde jsem přečetl svou první větu (and here I read my first sentence/phrase)

c.7 a zde jsem počítal listy stromů (and here I counted the leaves of the trees)

c.8 a zde jsem poznal přátelství (and here I learned friendship)

c.9 a zde jsem se poprvé zamiloval (and here I first fell in love)









c.18 a zde se vydali vlastni cestou (and here it went its own way)

c.19 a zde cas utekl tak rychle, zestarl jsem (and here the time passed so quickly, I have grown old)


Below is the map that me and my husband used in searching for each bench.

To be continued...


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